"In Memorium: Ruth Ann Musick, 1897-1974."
"Up'n under Appalachia: Comment. The More Things Change" by Tony Whitmore.
"Beyond the Appalachians" by James McBride Dabbs.
"Ambivalence Toward Promotion among Appalachian Coal Miners: The Legend of Larry Harper" by John Lozier.
"The Flood" by Rich Kirby, "Several More Scenes from Act One" by George Scarbrough.
"Unusual Words, Expressions, and Pronunciations in a North Carolina Mountain Community" by Sarah Evelyn Jackson.
Reviews by Don Cunningham (32 Votes Before Breakfast by Jesse Stuart), Victor Depta (O Mountaineers! A Collection of Poetry by Don West) , George Scarbrough (The Creek by Victor Depta) , and "Watson of Deep Gap: A Retrospective" by W.H. Ward.
Poetry by Fred Chappell ("Awakening to Music"), Ross Talarico ("After Some Rain: Trying to Write"), Neil Graves ("The Barn") , Peter Zivkovic ("Woodsmoke"), and Jeff Daniel Marion ("Lines," "Landscapes," and "The Bridge").