"The Salem School and Orphanage: White Missionaries, Black School" by Conrad Ostwalt and Phoebe Pollitt; "A Picture From Life's Other Side: Lee Smith's The Devil's Dream" by Robert Cantwell; an interview with Meredith Sue Willis by Thomas E. Douglass; "It Was the Economy, Stupid: The 1992 Election in Appalachia," by David Sutton.
Reviews by Patricia D. Beaver (Female Pastoral: Women Writers Re-Visioning the American South by Elizabeth Jane Harrison), Michael Ellis (Southern Mountain Speech by Cratis D. Williams), John Van Willigen (Listening to Old Voices: Folklore, Life Stories, and the Elderly by Patrick B. Mullen), Ken Sullivan (The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter by Sharyn McCrumb), Ralph Mann (Jedediah Hotchkiss: Rebel Mapmaker and Virginia Businessman by Peter W. Roper), and Joy Gragg (Hardware River by Alyson Hagy).
Poetry by Michael Chitwood ("The Life"), Dana Wildsmith ("Annie Has a New Guitar"), Hilda Downer ("When a Giant Lays Down"), and Bob Snyder ("Patchwork Passion").
A letter to the editor by Jack Welch.
"Signs of the Times" and the "Chronicle."